- Manton Heights ABI Unit - https://www.mantonheightsabi.co.uk -

Legal Advice and Support



Contact details

AVM Support UK

Legal support for Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs)

Slater and Gordon

Legal advice solicitors which cover a variety of areas from medical claims to employment law etc

POhWER Advocacy Services (Bedford Borough)

POhWER provides a range of free, confidential and independent advocacy services to help people make choices about their lives, to understand their rights, to be treated as equals and to be heard. Advocacy services include:

Disability Rights UK

Advocates for ensuring equal participation for all, regardless of whether they have a disability or not

Community Advocacy - support people who are vulnerable, isolated and in need of support to get their voice heard.  The services are available to anyone aged 18 and over who live in Bedford.

Independent Mental Advocacy - support people who are detained under the Mental Health Act to understand their rights and options available for them.

Complaints Advocacy - supports people who wish to express concerns about their health care.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy - support people who lack mental capacity to still have their views represented.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - support people to protect their human rights when there are being deprived of their liberty.

Service User Engagement - Working with groups of people in the community to make sure that people are involved in decisions about:

  • their own treatment, care and support
  • services changes
  • strategy, policy and planning.